I may not be a Supermum to most, but to my monsters I am, that's all that matters, right?

Monday 3 July 2017


I'm feeling it, I'm sure many of you are too! Weather you feel guilty that your children are at vacation care, being looked after by family or a babysitter or at home with you these school holidays we have or are all feeling this guilt.
Image result for school holidays suck image

We are told, and have seen videos or posts/blogs saying that it's not our job to entertain our kids and I agree to a certain extent. Kids now days are so use to being entertained by us or technology. Their problem solving skills must be somewhat limited in the sense that when we were younger and bored we created games or different activities to entertain ourselves. I mean look at the aspects of your standard road trip...When I was a child we played silly games in the back or the car, read a book or coloured in...or better yet, and heaven forbid we all TALKED!!! I know right, shocking!!!! But now we ensure that there are portable DVD players, iPads, iPods phones or similar devices, crap I'm completely guilty of doing this myself. But think back to your upbringing. 

Ok, so the part "it's not our job to entertain our children" I agree with but wholly crap, at times they can just get on our nerves and we need them to be "busy", that's the honest truth!!!

Try and in still some simplify and preserve their childhood. Here are some great tips and games to get you through the school holidays without the parental guilt, without having to watch over or be entertaining your kids, letting kids be kids and doesn't hurt your bank account!!!

If you are busy doing things around the house, or heck just want a bloody break, it's ok to plop them in front of a show or movie. To lessen your guilt and feel like you are entertaining your kids try out these ideas...

Give them some set questions about the show they are watching;
- what is this show/movie about?
- what was your favourite part?
- who was your favourite character?
Image result for children in front of a tv clip art

Dependant on their age tell them that your want a sentence for a 5-8 year old, 2 sentences for 8-10 year olds and a paragraph for 10-13 year olds per question. If they are younger than five just ask them the questions at the end. It's a great way to have a little chat and improve on their speech and public speaking in preparation for school. 


Just like plopping them in front of the TV, some times in needed, again don't feel the guilt. Try this out!

Give them some play doh and ask them to make their favourite game character out of it. It helps to get their creative juices flowing and all kids love to show of their creations to their parents. 

Don't worry, if you don't have playdoh you could make this simple "No cook play doh" recipe with them. Most likely you already have these ingredients in the pantry.

  • 1 cup of salt
  • 1 tbs of oil
  • 2 drops of food colouring
  • 1cups of cold water
  • 2cup of plain flour
  • Related image

    Combine flour and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl combine water, food dye and oil, mix well. add wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Mix and kneed well. You can always add little more flour to reach desired consistency if a little wet

    3. READ A BOOK

    Image result for children drawing clip art
    Get the kids to choose a book to read. Once they have read it ask that they do a drawing depicting their favourite part. Pop that picture on the fridge to show your pride for them and their creation. If you have more than one child tell them that this will be a competition, whom ever has the most colourful and detailed picture will have the winning spot on the fridge. This will encourage them to do their best and egg them on to read another book and see if they can win the prize place. This is a win/win for you, they are reading during the holidays and being creative! 


    Gather your old magazines and catalogues, place them in front of the kids and tell them to cut out and stick on a piece of paper items that relate to an activity you will be doing. If you are going to the park then they would cut out things such a leaves, bugs, birds ect. If you are going grocery shopping they would cut out picture of fruit, nappies, meat ect. Get them to bring this piece of paper and a pencil with you when you venture out. They then have to tick the items off as they they see them. This can make a normal everyday trip out and about that bit more fun for the kids. You could even tell them that there will be a prize at the end, if they get all the items on their list. You may have already planned a little treat but they don't need to know that! Something like a lollipop will do just fine.
    Image result for nature scavenger hunt

    How many of us did this on a regular basis when we were kids. It's was natural, it was fun and free in spirit and cost. So many children don't know the pleasure of this. If need be show them how to climb a tree, encourage it and don't wrap them in a bubble for fear of hurting themselves. Embracing nature, the fresh air, feeling the textures of the bark and branches can be a wonderful thing. 

    Show them how to look for bugs (warn them not to touch) lift some rocks, look on the leaves of the tree. See how many different critters they can find.
    Image result for big tree clipart

    All of these activities can fall into line with daily life but adds a little difference and achievement for your children. Have  some fun with it, enjoy it and make memories, they are only little for such a short time. 

    But dear parent, don't feel guilt, don't be hard on yourself. We are all plodding through parenting as much as the next person and if they don't look like it then they are surly putting on a good show. 

    You are a Supermum in the eyes of your monsters, that's all that matters right?!?! 

    Wednesday 3 May 2017


    I'm sure you have all been told money saving tips from an accountant or even gone searching on the internet. But a lot of them seem unrealistic. These tips may not help you tuck away a fist full of cash into your savings account. But it might just give you a little bit of breathing space.

    You have seen it plastered everywhere like a new fad and probably thought "Christ, that's a lot of work" but I promise you it is worth it. By meal planning you can cut your grocery shopping down drastically. 
    I've broken it down a little, step by step to make it a bit easier. In time you won't even need this guide. 
    1. Firstly look in your freezer, fridge and pantry. Write down what you have. Now with that list what meals could you make? Do you have your "go to meals" that you must have to have weekly? Like spag bol? Write these down on one piece of paper to commence your "meal plan". 
    2. On another piece of paper write your "shopping list". 
    3. Then write on your "shopping list" what ingredients you will need for the meals already written on your meal plan. 
    4. Hop on websites for your local supermarkets and browse the meat categories. Write down on a separate piece of paper what meat is the cheapest, base this off per kilo. You will find that the cheaper meats are Mince, chicken breast, chicken Legs, whole chook, Sausages and chuck/gravy steak. Check what the price is of the meat at the competition. Which ever has the cheapest meat is where I shop. I do this because really the most expensive part of grocery shopping is the meat. 
    6. Now that you have all the cheap meat written down on a piece of paper start brainstorming what meals you can make of it. You can also type in what meat and ingredients you already have in google and it will come up with suggested meals. 
    7. Once you have all your meals written on the "meal plan" ensure you have written down all other ingredients needed on your shopping list. 
    8. Go shopping!!! Or if you feel that sometimes you often impulse buy or you get worried about keeping it under your budgeted amount how about you do online order, for delivery or click and collect. 
    9. With online orders you can bring the specials up within seconds rather than walking around searching the store. You can also see your total as items are added so this makes it a lot easier to stick to a budget. 
    10. If you have a local market how about checking their prices up against the supermarket, this may be cheaper for some. 
    11. Repeat all above steps for a meal plan for lunches and snacks. 


    Here are some meal planning ideas for dinner, lunch and snacks;

    Let's face it, we all know how awesome Tupperware containers are and how they do help food last a lot longer, but not everyone can afford them!
    With the tips I have given you can basically use any containers you already have.
    - Carrots and Celery sticks stored in water to keep fresh for longer. Having it cut up makes doing lunches snacks so much easier
    - Cut watermelon and rockmelon. Place grapes and strawberries in one container, as well as cut up watermelon and rockmelon. Ensure there is a layer of paper towel to bottom and top. This way the paper towel absorbs any moister, preventing the fruit from fermenting and keeping it fresher for longer. Change paper towel when it is moist. 
    - Scoop out the seeds from your pumpkin as soon as you can. Your pumpkin will last a lot longer

    - Potatoes last longer in the fridge 

    You will often find that fresh produce is cheaper and fresher from your local markets. I would suggest you check online or in store for what you would normally pay per kg for the produce you normally buy. Then when you are at the market you can assess if it is cheaper for you.

    You have probably seen adverts for this or heard people talk about it and possibly thought it is for time poor or lazy people. I say it's a smart move and here is why;
    - When ordering online you can easily search and see what the specials are for that week, so much easier than a quick glance over the shelves in store.
    - You can take your time.
    - You don't have to drag the kids in and deal with tantrums
    - No waiting in line at a checkout 
    - You can still use fly buys or reward card 
    - You can see your tally as you go, allowing you to stick to a budget easier. 
    - It’s harder to impulse buy
    - Often free delivery slots. Which works out cheaper than driving and using your fuel 
    - You don't have to lug all those bags inside, the delivery driver does (ok, this may sound lazy but for someone with health problems it's a godsend)
    - You can save your shopping list and use it time and time again or amend it
    - Can be done or mobile, tablet or computer
    It can take a while to do your first order and get use to navigating around the website, so allow yourself a bit of time. 

    Shops such as the reject shop or $2 shops often sell feminine hygiene products, soaps, washing power, fabric softener, detergent, shaving products, cleaning products & toilet paper in the brands you love and know at a fraction of the cost.

    I know this can be hard sometimes with the initial outlay of cost to buy in bulk. Maybe team up with a friend and split cost/product. 

    As soon as you purchase bread make and freeze a couple of loaves of sandwiches. This makes packing lunches so much easier and saves on wastage. You will also find that it will cut down on purchasing lunch for yourself or the kids. 
    Check the attached video of what fillings can be put in sandwiches that you are freezing. 

    Do you find yourself popping up to the shops every couple of days or milk and bread? Would I be right in guessing that you would often walk out with more than just these two items? Freezing milk and bread will help with those impulse buys. Even if you don't have a large freezer and can only store an extra milk and loaf of bread you will still be saving a little each week. 

    Baking is not only cheaper than buying pre-made but you know exactly what is in it. I will often bake in bulk and freeze. This makes snacks and packing lunches so much easier. If you are heading out and about grab some of those home baked goodies and you will save on buying food whilst out. 
    Here are some links to some cheap bulk baking recipes. 

    Don't set yourself an unrealistic amount to save per week. Start low as $5 if that is all that your budget will allow.
    Every night check your bank account. Visually seeing what your balance is, how much abs and what you have spent that day is good to keep you on track.
    When you check your account balance each night put the left offer cents over into your savings account. As an example, if your account balance says $82.75 transfer the 75c into your savings. Once you have mastered this then starting rounding down and transferring the dollar amount also. As an example, if your account balance says $82.75 transfer the $2.75.
    You will be surprised how this can quickly add up without you noticing. 
    For as long as I can remember I have payments for my bills come out on a fortnightly basis. Mobile, electricity and day-care are just an example. I have a small amount set up as a periodic frequent payment per fortnight. This means that I NEVER have a big bill and often am in credit. 
    This can be set up direct with the provider/business for them to deduct from your account, you can call them to get their bank account details or set up via pay. 
    Ultimately you would want to aim to be in credit. This way when your car rego or any other unplanned bill comes in you can call or log on line and see how much you are in credit on those accounts. You can then forgo a payment that fortnight and put towards one of those unexpected expenses. 

    11. CHRISCO
    At the start of every year I place an order with CHRISCO. Now I'm not a huge fan of the meat hampers as I prefer to choose my own. I also find that the food/pantry hampers can be often full of products I don't use or brands I don't particularly like. So I use CHRISCO purely for their gift cards/vouchers. They have a huge range such as;
    -        Accor Hotels
    -        BCF
    -        Big 4 Holiday Parks
    -        Coles
    -        Country Road
    -        EB Games
    -        Goldmark
    -        Harvey Norman
    -        iTunes
    -        JB HI-FI
    -        Jetstar
    -        Kmart
    -        Lowes
    -        Mitre 10
    -        Myer
    -        MyLayby.com
    -        Rebel
    -        Supercheap Auto
    -        Target
    -        Just Group (Dotti, Just Jeans, Smiggle, Peter Alexander, Jay Jays, Jaqui-E & Portmans)
    -        Ticketmaster
    -        Toys R Us
    -        Woolworths
    -        Zing
    I will purchase a whole ton of gift card that I pay off fortnightly. You can choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly. They are usually delivered at the start of November. I will then use these gift card to purchase all my Christmas gifts, or if unable to find a particular gift for someone just give them a gift card.
    If you find that Christmas saving accounts don’t work for you then this may just be your answer. I have now been doing this for 7 years and works well for me and my family.
    To order your gift cards; Chrisco Gift Cards

    12. GIFTS
    Buy gifts throughout the year to help prepare and save you money for birthdays, Christmas, Mother's Day and the next size up in clothing. For this you will need 4 storage tubs. Best to get the sort with kids so the kids can't easily see in and they stack better also. 
    1. Birthdays/Mothers & Father's Day/Christmas;
    You already have a pretty good idea of whose birthdays you have coming up throughout the year. So whenever you see an absolute bargain think about who that gift could be for. The best way to keep track of this is just simply creating a "note" in your phone. List all family or friends you would typically buy for. Whenever you find a gift write it down next to their name to be able to keep track of who you have or haven't purchased for, what you got them and I like putting the purchase amount and RRP so I can tally up my savings. It's great to visually be motivated and inspired. Tuck them away in a tub in the cupboard. 
    2. Children birthday party gifts;
    You know your child will be invited to a few of their friends birthday parties throughout the year When shopping and you come across cheap gifts that you know your child would like, chances are their friend will also. Tuck them away in a tub in the cupboard. I also always have colouring books, craft items and pencils in there. They help to "bulk up" a gift. This helps for when your child gives you that birthday invitation that has been sitting in their school bag for the last week and you now only have 2 days’ notice. Head to your birthday party present tub and have your child select out a gift for them. You have now saved money, time and sanity! 
    3. Rewards or activities;
    I will also have a tub hidden away for my children. So any gifts I know that have specifically wanted that I have gotten super cheap. Craft kits can be purchased cheaply and be pulled out as a surprised for a rainy day or when their friends come for a sleepover. Additionally these items can be used for birthdays, Christmas or even as a reward for that awesome report card. 
    4. Clothes;
    We all know our kids grow like weeds and often seems to be that they will go up a size overnight. When there are end of season sales I will buy the next size up. You will find most stores especially big w, Kmart and best and less will drastically discount their clothing at the end of summer or winter. I will often pick up items of clothing from $3 to $10 a piece. You will then have a head start on the next year, if they have a growth spurt or the weather suddenly changes.

    13. LAY-BY
    There are 3 times in the year that I will ALWAYS lay-by. Winter, summer and my children's birthday. 
    Winter clothing; I will place a lay-by for each kid in March-April.
    Summer clothing; I will place a lay-by for each kid in September- October.
    I do the children's birthday lay-bys approx. 2 months prior to their birthday.

    If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask! 

    Thursday 20 April 2017


    I'm pretty sure you have noticed in a lot of my pics and on FB Live, I'm wearing a white, silver & turquoise beaded necklace. Why do you see it so often?

          Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses and close-up

    Well here is why...

    • The colours go amazing with so many of my outfits, ranging from dresses to shirts. 
    • It can be worn with casual or more dressy attire 
    • It can easily adjust the length to suit my neckline with a simple knot at the back. (This is hidden under my shirt or if my hair is out). It does have a clip at the back. 
    • It is so lightweight you won't even remember you are wearing it. So much so far I've fallen asleep many times while wearing it! 
    • It is made of durable quality material that withstands little hands & my naps!
    • Handmade by an Australian Mum! 

    As you can see, I obviously review this necklace as 10/10. Seriously, what more could you want from a necklace?

    A & Z Designs also custom make necklaces from silicon and hand painted wooden beads. Made to match your individual style and colour. You could even have "mummy & me" matching necklaces! 

    Other awesome products they create (Personalised or custom);




    Key/Bag Tags


    Dummy Saver/Chain


    Pram Garlands


    Children Necklaces


    Bangles and Bracelets





    The owner and creator of these stunning items is Megsy. She is a mother of two incredibly adorable girls under 3, Ava & Zoe. Therefore she has "hands on" knowledge of how these products need to function, look and be durable and most importantly, be safe for little hands and mouths. She runs her small business from her home in Sydney, NSW Australia and also sells at local markets. Megsy's customer service is outstanding. She will treat you so warmly and as if you have been a long term friend. I have loved every bit of  interaction we have had.


    So what are you waiting for? Check out her page! Great to treat yourself, gifts for friends or expecting mothers...how about your mother for Mothers Day? 

    Check out A & Z Designs on;