I'm feeling it, I'm sure many of you are too! Weather you feel guilty that your children are at vacation care, being looked after by family or a babysitter or at home with you these school holidays we have or are all feeling this guilt.

We are told, and have seen videos or posts/blogs saying that it's not our job to entertain our kids and I agree to a certain extent. Kids now days are so use to being entertained by us or technology. Their problem solving skills must be somewhat limited in the sense that when we were younger and bored we created games or different activities to entertain ourselves. I mean look at the aspects of your standard road trip...When I was a child we played silly games in the back or the car, read a book or coloured in...or better yet, and heaven forbid we all TALKED!!! I know right, shocking!!!! But now we ensure that there are portable DVD players, iPads, iPods phones or similar devices, crap I'm completely guilty of doing this myself. But think back to your upbringing.
Ok, so the part "it's not our job to entertain our children" I agree with but wholly crap, at times they can just get on our nerves and we need them to be "busy", that's the honest truth!!!
Try and in still some simplify and preserve their childhood. Here are some great tips and games to get you through the school holidays without the parental guilt, without having to watch over or be entertaining your kids, letting kids be kids and doesn't hurt your bank account!!!
If you are busy doing things around the house, or heck just want a bloody break, it's ok to plop them in front of a show or movie. To lessen your guilt and feel like you are entertaining your kids try out these ideas...
Give them some set questions about the show they are watching;
- what is this show/movie about?
- what was your favourite part?
- who was your favourite character?
Dependant on their age tell them that your want a sentence for a 5-8 year old, 2 sentences for 8-10 year olds and a paragraph for 10-13 year olds per question. If they are younger than five just ask them the questions at the end. It's a great way to have a little chat and improve on their speech and public speaking in preparation for school.
Just like plopping them in front of the TV, some times in needed, again don't feel the guilt. Try this out!
Give them some play doh and ask them to make their favourite game character out of it. It helps to get their creative juices flowing and all kids love to show of their creations to their parents.
Don't worry, if you don't have playdoh you could make this simple "No cook play doh" recipe with them. Most likely you already have these ingredients in the pantry.

Combine flour and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl combine water, food dye and oil, mix well. add wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Mix and kneed well. You can always add little more flour to reach desired consistency if a little wet

Gather your old magazines and catalogues, place them in front of the kids and tell them to cut out and stick on a piece of paper items that relate to an activity you will be doing. If you are going to the park then they would cut out things such a leaves, bugs, birds ect. If you are going grocery shopping they would cut out picture of fruit, nappies, meat ect. Get them to bring this piece of paper and a pencil with you when you venture out. They then have to tick the items off as they they see them. This can make a normal everyday trip out and about that bit more fun for the kids. You could even tell them that there will be a prize at the end, if they get all the items on their list. You may have already planned a little treat but they don't need to know that! Something like a lollipop will do just fine.
How many of us did this on a regular basis when we were kids. It's was natural, it was fun and free in spirit and cost. So many children don't know the pleasure of this. If need be show them how to climb a tree, encourage it and don't wrap them in a bubble for fear of hurting themselves. Embracing nature, the fresh air, feeling the textures of the bark and branches can be a wonderful thing.
Show them how to look for bugs (warn them not to touch) lift some rocks, look on the leaves of the tree. See how many different critters they can find.
All of these activities can fall into line with daily life but adds a little difference and achievement for your children. Have some fun with it, enjoy it and make memories, they are only little for such a short time.
But dear parent, don't feel guilt, don't be hard on yourself. We are all plodding through parenting as much as the next person and if they don't look like it then they are surly putting on a good show.
You are a Supermum in the eyes of your monsters, that's all that matters right?!?!
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