I may not be a Supermum to most, but to my monsters I am, that's all that matters, right?

Saturday, 4 March 2017


This is the post that started it all.....

Little did I know that posting this to Simple Savers group would result in over 1000 Likes, 460 comments and 60 shares.

I buy in bulk, I bake in bulk and I freeze in bulk.
All items baked are easy and cost effective. By having all this on hand it prevents purchasing food for lunches or snacks. I individually package portions so even when we have to pop out there are snacks at hand without wasting money.

I didn't realise that what I did on a regular basis could help so many others.
Many people wanted to know what else I freeze, what my recipes where and how I go about doing all this.

I do this for my family for many reasons; for the love of it, to give them lovely homemade food, to know what is in the food they are eating rather than all those different numbers on the back of a packet, to save money, having snacks on the go.

I think one of my biggest reasons is to try and make up for my kids having a Mum with Chronic Pain. There are days that I can't do much at all, but at least on those days I can feel a little less guilty knowing that my family has some home made goodness.
Although my guilt may be chronic pain and feeling like I'm not "there" enough for my children, I'm sure all of us harbour our own mothers guilt about something....and for that, for worrying, that's what makes us all supermum's to our own monsters.

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