I may not be a Supermum to most, but to my monsters I am, that's all that matters, right?

Thursday, 20 April 2017


I'm pretty sure you have noticed in a lot of my pics and on FB Live, I'm wearing a white, silver & turquoise beaded necklace. Why do you see it so often?

      Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses and close-up

Well here is why...

  • The colours go amazing with so many of my outfits, ranging from dresses to shirts. 
  • It can be worn with casual or more dressy attire 
  • It can easily adjust the length to suit my neckline with a simple knot at the back. (This is hidden under my shirt or if my hair is out). It does have a clip at the back. 
  • It is so lightweight you won't even remember you are wearing it. So much so far I've fallen asleep many times while wearing it! 
  • It is made of durable quality material that withstands little hands & my naps!
  • Handmade by an Australian Mum! 

As you can see, I obviously review this necklace as 10/10. Seriously, what more could you want from a necklace?

A & Z Designs also custom make necklaces from silicon and hand painted wooden beads. Made to match your individual style and colour. You could even have "mummy & me" matching necklaces! 

Other awesome products they create (Personalised or custom);




Key/Bag Tags


Dummy Saver/Chain


Pram Garlands


Children Necklaces


Bangles and Bracelets





The owner and creator of these stunning items is Megsy. She is a mother of two incredibly adorable girls under 3, Ava & Zoe. Therefore she has "hands on" knowledge of how these products need to function, look and be durable and most importantly, be safe for little hands and mouths. She runs her small business from her home in Sydney, NSW Australia and also sells at local markets. Megsy's customer service is outstanding. She will treat you so warmly and as if you have been a long term friend. I have loved every bit of  interaction we have had.


So what are you waiting for? Check out her page! Great to treat yourself, gifts for friends or expecting mothers...how about your mother for Mothers Day? 

Check out A & Z Designs on;

Tuesday, 11 April 2017


I'm sure you have all heard about what seems to be the craze of LipSense...well a craze that is hanging around for an awfully long time. I've always been so sceptical of a product that appears to defy the odds and do what no other product can do. So why not give it a go?

I received a cute little zip pouch with 3 products enclosed;
- Pink Champagne lip colour
- Glossy lip gloss
- Ooops Remover
- Instructions
The 'Starter Kit' I received 

Here I was with these products in my hand and questioning "Ok so what makes these items  be almost worth their weight in gold?". They claim that this is waterproof, smudge proof, kiss proof and lasts up to 18 hours... So I thought, what the heck, lets give this a go!

                                            Image result for lipsense 

Firstly you have to ensure your lips and clean and dry, so I cleaned off my lip gloss and dried my lips. You have to move the wand in smooth motions from the outside inwards on your lips. Instantly my lips started tingling and initially it was a little alarming but settled down fairly quickly. I had read that this is due to your lips being dry. That those that don't have dry lips do not notice this. Once you have used the product a few times this will lesson as LipSense is designed to also condition your lips. The colour was on and it states that for best results to leave lips apart and dry for 10-15 seconds, until you apply the next coat.  It's advised that 3 layers are best for optimal results. Bloody hell, don't close your lips, whatever you do..it's like glue if you do! Now if you do or you make a mistake there is the Ooops remover. I was hopeful that if a lipstick needed a remover, it was a indication that this stuff wouldn't budge! It was around 9pm and I had completed 3 three layers. I applied the Glossy Gloss and my lips didn't feel sticky anymore but really soft and smooth. It was extremely glossy. I was very happy with the colour "Pink Champagne" and felt it suited my complexion.

"Wanting to give a HUGE shout out to A&Z Designs who created this stunning necklace and also to LeesyBelles Lips who provided us with Lipsense lipstick starter kit.

Keep your eyes peeled for our review. 

A&Z Designs;

LeesyBelles Lips;
Just applied,approx 9pm
So far I was happy with the product but the real test would be to see if it lasted like they state, up to 18 hours. I was very dubious that such a product could actually do this. I have used other lipsticks in the past purchased from chemists and Myer that claimed to do this, so far I had been sadly disappointed and found they would flake off or rub off easily and in no way lasted any real amount of time.

I woke up and was surprised that the colour was still on. I applied the Glossy Gloss, as advised it should be applied throughout wearing. I ate, drank, kissed, sung and slept in this lipstick....and at 1pm, 16 hours later it was still on, no flaking and still a lovely coverage and colour!!! Right then I was sold...take my money, take all of it. Now I don't know if this is some kind of magic or sorcery and frankly I don't care because for once a product did everything it claims it is suppose to do. So LipSsense, LeesyBelles lips, a huge 10/10 from me.

Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses and close-up
1pm the following day - 16 hours later!
If anyone else is interested in surrendering themselves to this sorcery contact Elyse at  LeesyBelles Lips (click for direct link to FB page). Here are the vast range of colours.

Image may contain: one or more people
LipSense colour range - LeesyBelles Lips

Elyse has been an absolute pleasure to deal with. She is lovely, warming and so helpful, you will not be disappointed with her service or the product. Elyse is a mother of two gorgeous young children, 3 year old son and 2 year old daughter and is a WAHM.

Elyse May's profile photo, Image may contain: 1 person, close-up and indoor
Elyse - LeesyBelle Lips
Oh and now I find out that they have eye shadows that basically do the same thing... I'm going to have a very empty purse and a sad bank account.

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Eye Shadow range - LeesyBelle Lips

Give it a go ladies, it will make life that little bit easier and don't we all need that?!?!

Saturday, 8 April 2017


We have been blessed to have Cass write a guest blog article for us. Read below about her struggle with guilt, judgement and PTSD following a devastating accident that left her daughter with third degree burns. Her bravery to write this must be commended.

Throughout life every single person will go through some type of event that will change them forever. I guess the reason I am writing this today gives me some sense of closure or at least to ease the pain of what myself and my family have experienced. 

Five years on from my daughters traumatic experience, I'm thankful to say she's alive, she's well, she's cheeky, outspoken and full of life. She's just like any other seven year old girl. But some days she struggles. Some days she's self  conscious, scared and full of unanswered questions. 

I'm going to take myself back to the year 2009, 23rd of September, my life was perfect. My partner and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the family. We fell in love the moment we saw her. She became a little sister to her then two year old brother Joshua. We name her after her Dad but uniqued it in a way. Michaela. The next year and a half was full of laughter adventure and pure love. 

In the year of 2011, December 11th I would have never imagined our lives changing in the way that it did. My perfect little girls life was put on the line. Some say it was a freak accident, others a major parenting fail on my behalf. I'm going to reach into the deepest darkest parts of my memory as this is not an easy story for me to tell. Its extremely hard finding a way to word it as each way I try I find my hand pauses on the page. I will never fully know the exact ways in which it happened as I was not present. What I can say though, is that I made a stupid decision in what could have been completely avoided if I had just handled certain things differently. 

I had driven to my partners parents house where he was to settle an over the phone argument. To be completely honest I still to this day cannot even recall what the argument was about. I had stepped out of the car foolishly leaving Joshua and Michaela, walked into the backyard shed, not even three minutes had passed and I had my son tugging on my shirt mumbling a sentence I didn't fully understand but the look on his face had told me that something was wrong. What I saw next still haunts my dreams to this very day. Smoke streaming from the inside of the car. The faint crying and screaming from my daughter who was still in her car seat, fire below her. I screamed in panic for her dad and without hesitation reached in and freed her, burning myself in the process. Instantly ran her to the downstairs laundry tub for cold water. A million things running through my head as well as her screams of pain and her fathers panicked shouting. We raced her to the hospital. my sweet baby girl received third degree burns on both her feet and light burns to her hands from a fire that had been started by a lighter, paper and plastic containers and her older brothers curiosity. 

Living in a small country town I knew of the stories that floated around. The excuses, the accusations, the grapevine starters. Three long excruciatingly painful months was spent by my daughters side in hospital. The surgeries, physio, social workers. I was drained, mentally and emotional broken. It had tore my family apart. Our lives had changed forever. Not only was my small world inside those hospital walls crashing, I spent my sleepless nights wondering what the outside world was saying. Sure enough the judgement of not only myself but my son spread. The stress was unbearable. I couldn't bring myself to look in the mirror let alone look into my daughters eyes. Her turmoil and the pain she was going through could have been easily avoided if I had chosen a different way of handling things. This sat in the back of my mind every time the doctors removed her bandages. "Look at what I've done" replayed in my mind over and over. I had family reassuring me that it was all going to be okay, but I knew it wasn't. The strength she had shown in these three months were beyond anything I could have imagined. And that right there is what kept me going. I needed to be strong for her, I needed to be the one to hold her hand and tell her that everything was going to be okay. Even though I was battling with myself to believe the truth behind what I was telling her. 

Five years on brings me to today...I now suffer from PTSD, social anxiety and major depression. Everyday is a constant reminder of the battle I face within myself. But the mere thought that I can wake up everyday and see my daughter, knowing that she is still here, is what gets my through. I don't need to fight my battle alone because with every smile, every "I love you mum", every blessed day, she fights alongside with me. She is my fighter, my soldier, my miracle. And I'll be forever thankful to call her my daughter. 

I guess I started this to help other mothers in a way of saying you're not alone. Every mother fights a different battle. Different stages of life. I'm putting my story out there in hope of breaking the chain on mental illness. Nobody should have to face it alone. Some things happen that either make or break us. And in saying that, throughout our journey I was in fact broken in so many ways that I thought I was beyond help. The best thing I've done is forgiven myself and remained strong for Michaela. You don't need to be perfect for them to know you are loved. Just be the best you can be. Your children will one day thank you for it. 

Thank you for allowing me to share my story 

Cass xoxo

Cass is a 28 year old, stay at home, single mother of three children, Joshua 11, Michaela 7, and Nathaniel 5. She lives in a small country town in North Queensland, Australia. Her passion is striving to be the best she can for her children and creating awareness and breaking the Mental Illness stigma.

Sunday, 2 April 2017


Do you have a toddler and school aged children? You probably have the same problem as me...its almost impossible to think of activities that they can do together. So i thought I would help you all out, keep reading!


This helps to incorporate maths and science without the kids even realising!

You will need:

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  • Large and small ziplock bags
  • 4 cups of Ice 
  • 1/4 cup of Salt
  • 1 tspn of Vanilla extract
  • 2 tbs of Sugar 
  • 1 x cup of Full fat milk 

Place the milk, vanilla extract and sugar into the small ziplock bag. ensure that it is sealed completely. Then place this into a large ziplock bag. Put the ice and salt into the large bag. Again ensure that the small ziplock bag us fully sealed. You must then shake, shake, shake!!!! possibly for 10 minutes. So make some fun out of it. Put some music on and dance. After 10 minutes the ice cream will be ready. Enjoy!! How about next time experiment with some new flavours and colours.


You will need;

  • 2 cups of plain flour
  • 1 cup of cold water
  • 1 cup of salt
  • 1 tbs of oil
  • 2 drops of food colouring
Related image

Combine flour and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl combine water, food dye and oil, mix well. add wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Mix and kneed well. You can always add little more flour to reach desired consistency if a little wet.

You can always have the kids play around with the different food dye to create their own special colour and add some glitter. Store in airtight containers or ziploc bags

Ask the children to make their favourite cake or cartoon character.


You will need;
Image result for potato stamps
  • white t-shirt
  • fabric paint
  • potatoes 
Lay t-shirt on a flat surface. Cut potatoes in half, calve desired shape. Put potato stamp into the fabric paint. Have the kids create whatever pattern on the t-shirt that they like. Allow to dry then wear! Try an easter theme just in time for Easter weekend.


You will need;

Image result for balloons
  • balloons
  • paint stirring sticks(normally free from  hardware's)
  • paper plates
  • Hot glue gun
Glue paint stirring stick onto the plate, allow to dry. Blow up balloon. Start playing tennis. When ever the other person is unable to reach the balloon or it hits the floor you get a point. Time 5 minute games and see who has the most points! its a great game to play when it is  rainy outside, the  kids are exercising and wearing themselves out. Easy to store away and pull back out, blow up a balloon when the kids cry that they are bored.


You will need;
Related image
  • 2 cups of sand
  • food dye
  • PVA glue
  • Paper
  • Paint brushes
  • bright picture book
Separate sand into 4 bowls (half cup in each), add food dye to reach your desired colour. Allow to sit and dry. Whilst sand is drying read the children a bright picture book. At the end of the book ask the children to create a Sand Art picture inspired by book.

Paint the paper with PVA glue. Give the children teaspoons to sprinkle the sand in their desired pattern. Allow to dry. Shake off excess sand. You can paint another layer of PVA glue if you wish to seal the sand in a little more. Display their beautiful artworks.


What you need;

Image result for scavenger hunt printables
Visit https://au.pinterest.com/explore/nature-scavenger-hunts/ for the free printable.

Either take the kids into the back yard or to a park. Have them search for these items. The older children can do this on their own and you can help your toddler. Once every item is found ask the children to see if they can find anything else that isn't on the list, give them 5 minutes. Then bring them all back and share what was found. Challenge the other kids to find what their siblings have discovered.

7. 100 COOKIES

What you need;

  • 500g butter
  • 1/2 sugar
  • 1 can condensed milk
  • 5 cups of self raising flour
  • 1 cup of chocolate chips
Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Mix well.Roll a teaspoon worth of dough into a ball. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Ensure that they are well spaced. Bake at 180 degrees for approx 8 minutes for a soft cookie and 10 minutes for a more crunchy cookie.

kids of all aged love being hands on and cooking. Try and be creative with flavourings. You could try jam, for jam drop cookies. Add coconut for a coconut crunch or even add mini M &M's.

You will then have an easy, cheap and quick snacks for the kids. 

If you do not wish to bake this many cookies at once freeze half of the dough and have freshly cooked cookies ready for school snacks or when guests drop by.

Watch our video of how to make these cookies.


You will need;

Image result for melted crayon art
  • 1 box of crayons per child
  • Canvas per child
  • Hairdryer
  • Hot glue gun
Have the children select the colours they would like. Glue crayons with tip pointing downwards. Ensure the adult is the only one to use the glue gun as it is very hot. Only place glue on the top half of the crayon. Lean the canvas up against something, place newspaper or old towel underneath as the next bit can get messy. Using a hairdryer point it at the tip of the crayon in a downwards motion. Watch the crayon melt and drip (this will be hot so no little hands near it). Allow to dry and hang their artwork.


You will need;

Interview the kids as a keepsake for each year (at the end of the year or on their birthday!)

 Head to http://handsonaswegrow.com/wp-content/uploads/year-end-kids-interview-printable_edited-2.pdf for a free printable.

Interview your children. this is a great keepsake to capture what they were like at this very age, photos can only tell you so much. Print out a  couple of extras. Once you have interviewed the children individually have them interview each other. They could also create their own questions and interview you!


Let the kids drag out blankets, pillows, skipping ropes, chairs whatever else they can think of. Have them positioned so that they must jump, hop, balance and wiggle through things.

The kids will be stoked  that Mum is letting them pull all this out and make a mess. Major brownie points for you!

Image result for pile of pillows and blankets